The number seven is universally regarded as a holy number. Not only it’s omnipresent, it has also followed the human development for a very long time. But what lies beneath the mystery of this number?
The number seven is present in the ‘Seal of Solomon’ which, on the other hand, it has a strong connection with the Hebrew spiritualism.
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The Seal illustrates an up-pointing triangle that convenes yet another down-pointing triangle.
Namely, this sign represents the number seven because of its six points and the invisible seventh component of transformation.

As aforementioned, seven is omnipresent in many of the global cultures. We all know that we have seven deadly sins, seven heavens and seven days of creation.
The number three signifies divinity while the number four signifies humankind. Therefore, the sum of those two symbolizes the bond between humankind and God.

Moreover, a snake with seven heads correlates with the seven deadly sins. In like manner, seven Christian characters (prudence, temperance, justice, courage, faith, hope, and charity) play the role of balancing those sins.
Revelation 12:3–4 says: “Then another sign appeared in heaven: and behold, a great red dragon having seven heads and ten horns, and on his heads were seven diadems.”
The serpents with seven heads are a notable part of the early Buddhist work of art. For example, Buddha has frequently been portrayed with such ‘Naga’ serpents.

Hindu culture regards Shesha, which has seven heads, as the king of all serpent gods.
In Sanskrit tradition, Shesha is the balance which stands last while everything else stops living. In Hinduism, Vishnu, one of the main gods, is often depicted as he lies down on Shesha.

In the ancient Egyptian mythology, the number seven was the symbol of infinite life and perfection.
According to Greek mythology, the seven sisters were the daughters of the Titan Atlas. Their names were: Maia, Taygate, Electra, Alcyone, Calaeno, Sterope and Merope.