Imagine year 1 million when your brain is much more impressive than billions of supercomputers altogether. All the traditional features of the human are gone and replaced with artificial intelligence. You are immortal. Feeling scared? You should be!
All this isn’t just fantasy about the future; it’s something that many theorists predict will happen to the world to come.
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Scientists estimate that in the distant future, the world will undergo such an exciting turn that it will make it practically unrecognizable.
One of the major, maybe even the biggest modernization of our future is the growth of artificial intelligence.
“If you ask what is it that truly defines human beings, I would say it’s our minds, our consciousness, it’s our intelligence.”
“And if we could create that kind of intelligence, create the most powerful thing that we experience, that’s breathtaking,” stated Brian Greene, a theoretical physicist of Columbia University for National Geographic Channel.
Just a simple example of the kind is your cell phone. You use it every day to open the door to your memories and to find data in a split second. That’s the type of artificial intelligence that will put on test our supremacy on Earth.
We have billions and billions of dollars in this arms race to develop artificial intelligence. You’re gonna expect everything, every object to become smart. All of these fundamental things are going to change everything,” said Peter Diamandis, XPRIZE founder and entrepreneur.
Humanoid robots not only will take our looks, but they will also take our jobs. Furthermore, they’ll read our minds thus will exceed human beings.
The next move is, of course, the singularity. When intelligent robots become the main kind, potentially weakening humanity, some of us will decide to mix with them in the interest of staying important.
What if we are able to create brain implants? This creates a whole new level of a digital universe where we can do anything we want.
If we let artificial intelligence to rule our lives, it will alter the whole concept of what is like to be a human.
Imagine the era where artificially intelligent droids are so universal and common, they even become members of a family.
Wonder how is it possible to interact with an artificially intelligent robot just using your cell phone?
Modern technology has made it possible to achieve many things that were beyond imagination for our past antecedents. So why doubt that humankind can create something even more amazing in the future?
We don’t own the ability to predict the future, but that doesn’t stop us from visioning it by projecting the recent flow of events.
The ancient Greeks, Chinese and Indians had mythological stories about a future conscious creature created by man.
‘Science fiction is often the roadmap or the blueprint for where we’re heading. Kind of humanity’s collective dream of what the future might be and we nudge reality in that direction,” said Paul Bettner for National Geographic Channel.
In the last 500 years, experts have created artificial intelligence who can communicate with humans and even defeat us in our own games.
Perhaps the most exciting public presentation of AI was back in 1996 when the deep blue computer beat a chess grandmaster. Next, in 2011, IBM’s Watson won a million dollars on Jeopardy.
In 2016, an alpha beat one of the world’s best players of the go game. Go is considered to be one of the most complex games in the world.
Artificial intelligence is obviously very smart; however, it still can’t interact in a human way, YET!
If artificially intelligent robots learn to do our jobs, they won’t complain about extra-hours nor ask for a raise. They won’t even ask for a paycheck.
We don’t yet know whether AI will lead humankind into a golden era or it will destroy everything humans worship.
What is apparent, though, is that thanks to AI, the future world wouldn’t even be similar to the one we acknowledge today.