The Inuit People Are Making Very Important Warnings To NASA And The World!

The Inuit people live in the Greenland, the Canadian Arctic regions, and the USA. IT is believed that they are the experts at weather forecasts because in the past they were very dependent on the weather, the sun and the sunrise.

Now, they are warning the world and NASA, to understand the importance of climate change! More importantly, they give a strong point that this isn’t just because of global warming but because of the shifting of the Earth!

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As scary as it sounds, they really claim that the Earth is shifting on its Axis and it is really dangerous.

If you don’t believe it, just remember about the hurricane Irma which was extremely catastrophic and the strongest hurricane ever noted on Earth. Also, the central Mexico earthquake which caused an enormous damage, destroyed the city and killed a lot of people.

All of these natural catastrophes and the world getting warmer and warmer every year, it all connects with what the Inuit people are trying to tell and warn us about.

They even claim that they have noted that the Sun is rising in a different position and the daylight hours are being prolonged for an hour! They also claim that the daylight is a lot higher on the horizon then it previously was and the climate change is so obvious that we shouldn’t be so numb about it!

And this is not all. The Inuit people discovered that not just the sun, but also the moon and the stars have changed their positions which of course has an effect on the temperature.

The NASA was also informed with this discoveries and it is up to them to research and understand what is happening and is the Earth really shifting, also, what are the main causes of all the natural catastrophes that have happened lately?