A recent discovery of a massive underground lake on the Red Planet deepened the dilemma whether there is or there once life existed here. Can we link this lake to microbial life? Can we finally confirm we are not alone in the universe?
Scientists, unfortunately, still haven’t managed to provide us an answer to this puzzle. In spite of, they are opened towards every possibility.
The underground lake could bear such geological conditions that could not support life. But, on the other hand, the chant says that where there’s water there’s life. Therefore, this lake could be also very similar to the ones we have here on Earth.
Up until today, we don’t haven’t found a specific evidence there is life apart from our planet. However, as microbiology science advances, we’ve found life relating to the Bacteria and unusual Archaea kingdoms everywhere.
We have discovered tiny creatures on the sides of high-temperatures deep-sea drains and within the Earth’s crust. They are also omnipresent in the dark mine shafts feeding off with energy from sulfur.
Viruses, in like manner, are abundant everywhere, especially in the Earth’s oceans.
Dr. Ben Libberton, a microbiologist at the MAX IV Laboratory in Lund, Sweden, said: “Water is a prerequisite for life as we know it, and now we’re not just seeing evidence that water could have been there — it’s actually there!”
Long story short, life is everywhere around us. There are over trillion species in the world and a large portion of them are extremophiles. These are the ones that can thrive in extreme conditions such as radiation, ice or lava.
So, you shouldn’t be surprised if many places besides Earth could sustain life. From the frosty water on Mars to the hazy skies of Venus, life could be all-present.
Then again, we can not be certain since we still don’t have the proper evidence. Skeptics turn the thumbs don’t while the believers claim there is something more.
Read More: Huge Breakthrough: Vast Liquid Water Lake Was Discovered On Mars